Our mission

Functionality and ecology

The fiber wood insulation system and natural construction for renovation and construction of roofs, floors, and walls.

BetonWood srl aims to develop fiber wood construction products able to combine the needs of people and nature. That's why our fiber wood products are made from renewable raw materials without the addition of hazardous additives. In this way they contribute to reducing energy consumption and contribute to a permanently healthy living climate, highly appreciated not only by those suffering from allergies.

Fiber Wood products BetonWood srl are marked by a series of prestigious quality brands. The FSC® Certificate (Forest Stewardship Council), for examples, guarantees a sustainable and ecological use of wood raw material. The famous quality mark of IBR (Institut für Baubiologie Rosenheim) certifies that BetonWood srl products are bio-friendly and environmentally friendly building products. So BetonWood srl guarantees safety and quality for generations.

Fiber Wood advantages
Wellness with Fiber Wood - Mission
Unity is strength

The energetic turnaround will come sooner or later. First, if we actively contribute to it; later, but even more drastically, if we don't do anything. And when the time comes, each of us will be called to contribute minimizing energy consumption. Reducing them with a good thermal insulation of buildings, the energy saved can be used to produce electricity. Research and development activities have been cooperating for many years with companies in search of intelligent solutions for the containment of energy needs. The potential for energy savings is considerable and certainly there is still much to do but already today, with the smart solutions available, you can get really amazing results.

Energy saving and climate protection

The aspects of energy efficiency and a healthy living climate have been at the core of BetonWood's commitment since the beginning, dealing with products based on these principles. Its intelligent systems of high-efficiency thermal energy insulation and the various application solutions allow to save energy, reduce the production of CO2 and, welcome complementary effect, save money thanks to the reduction of energy costs. The BetonWood proposals help to preserve the value of buildings over time, to avoid damage to the structures while ensuring a pleasant and healthy environment in which to live.

Live healthy

The most important element for living is air. Without it we would not be able to live and, for this reason, its quality greatly affects our health conditions and the efficiency of our organism. We spend 90% of our lives indoors, most of the time in the most important place, which is our home. And staying healthy and at ease depends precisely on the quality of the air we breathe inside. Our certified products allow to obtain an optimal quality of the air present in the interiors, actively contributing to the health of the individuals who live there. In kindergartens and schools, in hotels and residences for the elderly, at work and of course at home, BetonWood helps to create healthier spaces and environments.

Safety, Prevention of damage to buildings

The high quality of insulation and air-proofing products make it possible to guarantee the value of real estate over time. To ensure the long-term functionality and safety of buildings and the use of coordinated construction products to ensure a high potential for protection against humidity. The intelligent insulation systems proposed by BetonWood are designed and conceived for the pursuit of this goal. With the system guarantee, BetonWood, guarantees an insulation of buildings designed to work over time. With advantages for everyone: for designers; for artisans; for the customer who can have a long-term guaranteed insulation system (provided that the installation instructions supplied by us are followed to the letter).